Drugs that May Interact with CBD Oil

The use of CBD oil for inflammation and pain has become an exciting options for people who suffer (see our article, What is CBD? for more information). It offers a natural alternative to pain relievers that may help reduce certain health risks. The challenge is recognizing the potential dangers from interactions with your prescription medications. By evaluating the risks, you are able to discuss the benefits of using CBD oil with a medical professional to avoid potential drug interactions.

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CBD and Blood Thinners

Hemp-derived CBD oil is safe for most users, largely because CBD leaves your system fairly quickly, and the negative side effects of CBD are relatively few, but CBD drug interactions raise concerns about your health. When you take blood-thinning medications, like Warfarin, you may have side effects or interactions with the hemp oil. Hemp oil and blood thinners do not have a positive interaction. Studies into the use of blood thinners and CBD oil show that it actually increases the amount of the blood thinner in the blood.

If you take Warfarin or a similar blood thinning medication, then you may need to reduce your dosage while you use CBD oil for pain management or other health concerns. Discuss the risks associated with hemp oil and blood thinners with your doctor before you start using CBD oil for pain management or other symptoms.

Medications Changed By Your Liver

When you take a medication that your liver breaks down into a different substance in your body, such as Prilosec or Motrin, you may have interactions with CBD oil. CBD drug interactions with different medications depend on the way your liver breaks down the medication and uses the medication in your body. In many cases, the interaction will cause your body to increase the effectiveness of the drug or increase the amount of the drug in your system.

Since your liver breaks down the medication, the CBD oil may enhance the effects of the medication. This is one of the rare negative side effects of CBD. Depending on the medication, it may lead to a bleeding risk or other health risks due to the changes to your medication. You want to pay particular attention to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, or NSAIDs, because the medication and the CBD oil have a similar impact on your body. CBD drug interactions with NSAID medications relate to the impact of the medication. Hemp oil and NSAIDs both focus on reducing inflammation in the body.

Depressant Medications With CBD Use

The negative side effects of CBD oil are not limited to medications that your liver breaks down or that thin your blood. CBD drug interactions with depressants are an area of concern. You should not use CBD oil and alcohol, or any other depressant, at the same time. The CBD oil may cause extreme drowsiness or sleepiness when combined with a depressant.

Avoid using CBD oil with pain relievers like morphine. You also want to avoid using CBD oil with benzodiazepines. Since it may cause extreme drowsiness, discuss the risks of CBD drug interactions when you take a depressant medication.

The Bottom Line

When you take a prescription medication for your health, you want to avoid drug interactions. While CBD oil does have positive effects on some health conditions and pain, you want to make sure you avoid dangerous interactions with other medications your doctor may recommend for your health.

Before you use CBD oil, make sure you understand the drug interactions to avoid dangerous health risks by contacting your doctor and getting professional advice.